System Setup

Online Filing System Test Environment

The test environment of the SLTX Online Filing System allows users to become familiar with the system before accessing the live environment of the filing system. All new users must complete testing in the test environment prior to accessing the live production environment.

Users are required to register with SLTX to gain access to the Online Filing System. The test environment allows users to gain experience inputting policy data and become familiar with the system before live production begins.

Entries made in the test environment are for training purposes only, and will not be copied or transferred to the live production environment. After a user has submitted sufficient postings to the test environment, the SLTX Help Desk will activate the agency in the live production environment.

All new users must complete testing in the test environment.

Online Filing System Live Environment

The Online Filing System live environment will be made available to users who have completed adequate training using the test environment of the system. Only registered users will be granted password access to the live system.

Policy data entered or uploaded will be submitted directly to the SLTX database and will affect monthly agency totals. These totals are used to determine the amount of stamping fee and tax due to SLTX or the Texas Comptroller.

For more information on the test and live environments of the Online Filing System, please contact Tech Support.