SMART Release Updates October 2020

Oct 16, 2020 | Archive News

On June 19, 2020, SLTX released portions of its new online filing system, SMART. This release contained filing features that are specific to automated or “programmatic” filers as these filing methods make up with the largest majority of the transactions filed with SLTX. Beta testing is ongoing and feedback by automated filing broker users is strongly encouraged as broker testing is the primary mechanism to ensure data related scenarios are handled effectively and efficiently. If you, as an automated filer, have not requested the updated Technical Reference and User Guides, please contact the SLTX Tech Support team by email.

The focus of October’s release are features for the Reporting module, which will allow SLTX to transition away from existing legacy applications. Once complete, both internal and external users will be able to access reports directly through the SMART application. Once the Reporting modules are complete, SLTX will resume work on the internal and external filing modules to include manual entry, transaction inquiry, and corrections. Development and subsequent releases relating to these specific filing modules will resume in early 2021.

While beta testing and feedback are ongoing, current EFS processes and procedures will continue to be available. Both systems will remain functional and work concurrently until the entire suite of features in SMART are fully delivered.

With each new release or significant deployment, additional notifications will be sent to existing users of SLTX’s Electronic Filing System (EFS). These notifications may also be found directly on our website under News>Procedural Updates.

Please contact the SLTX Tech Support team by email or phone at (512) 531-1880 or (800) 681-5848 with any questions